Bronchitis Hemorrhagic

Hemorrhagic bronchitis (b. Haemorrhagie) is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa with hemorrhages in the tissue. Depending on the nature and intensity of the hemorrhage, the disease can be acute or chronic. The disease occurs abruptly with other infectious diseases, intoxication, chest trauma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs and metabolism. Hemorrhagic bronchitis is more often observed in children; The causes of the disease can be influenza, whooping cough, measles, acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and even radiation exposure.

Hemorrhages as a result of the destruction of small capillaries appear as bright red areas in various parts of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. When you cough, blood will come out of your mouth or through your nose, and it will be sticky, foamy, and dirty red or black. The process is accompanied by weakness, high fever, and general deterioration of the condition. To determine the severity of the process, its dynamics and identify the state of hemorrhages, it is additionally recommended to use fluoroscopy of the lungs.

It is necessary to note that this disease is characterized by a violation of the structure of blood vessels, which is the main reason for continued bleeding. If treatment is not carried out, then over time the disease will develop into a complicated form. Therefore, an important condition for maintaining health will be treatment carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment consists of the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptics, absorbents and vasoconstrictors. It includes antiplatelet therapy and the use of cardiac drugs. Another common type of acute hepatitis is the hemorrhagic type, hemolytic or infectious. Intrauterine liver lesions occur - nuclear or non-nuclear variant of this form. Hepatitis occurs with jaundice and signs of bleeding, blockage of liver vessels - bruising on the skin and hemorrhage in the form of nosebleeds, gastrointestinal bleeding. This form is very dangerous for the health of newborns and infants.