
Bronchodilator diseases are pathological changes in the respiratory system, which are accompanied by disruption of the normal movement and outflow of mucus from the bronchi.

**Bronchitis** is an acute or chronic catarrhal inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa. Typically, with bronchitis, the disease affects the small bronchi, but larger bronchi can also be affected. **Acute bronchitis**, as a rule, develops as a result of a viral infection of the respiratory tract, and its duration does not exceed several weeks. A severe cough is accompanied by sputum production; elevated body temperature, headache, aches in muscles and joints, and fatigue may occur. Unlike acute bronchitis, **chronic bronchitis** is the result of long-term inflammation of the entire respiratory system or its individual organ. It can be both infectious and environmental in nature. The causes of chronic inflammation can be smoking, allergies, the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus in the body, diabetes mellitus, and living in areas with poor environmental conditions. Symptoms of chronic bronchitis are a long, unproductive cough that gets worse in the morning, lack of energy and weakness, loss of appetite, hemoptysis and constant shortness of breath. Chronic bronchitis is a serious, long-term disease of the respiratory system, and it is almost impossible to cure it completely. However, a correct lifestyle, supportive therapy and preventive measures significantly reduce the risk of developing this pathology.

Bronchotomy is a structural component of the respiratory tract located in the human respiratory organs