Brucellosis Goat-Ovine Type

Brucellosis goat-sheep type is a severe infectious disease caused by the bacterium Br. melitensis and occurs in a person with a severe recurrent course. This is one of the most common variants of brucellosis in the world, especially in developing countries, where humans can become infected not only from animals,

Brucellosis is an infectious disease of zooanthroponotic origin that occurs when pathogenic species of mycoplasma - Br - enter the human body through the mucous membranes. melitensis (goat-sheep) and Br. abortus (taiga). Routes of human infection: contact - when caring for animals, processing the skin of freshly slaughtered cattle without using protective measures, contact with animals through untreated burns and cuts, bites of insect vectors in rural areas, consumption of raw milk, unpasteurized lactic acid products, sausages, stewed meats. The secondary route is contact with affected animals. In this case, the disease is epizoic in nature.