Brucellosis Acute

Brucellosis (lat. Brucella) is an anthroponotic infectious zoonotic disease (zoonosis), transmitted from animals and birds to humans. Caused by bacteria of the genus Brücella spp. (Brucella melitensis, Brucella suis, Brucella abortus, Brucella co-Li-colony). Brucellosis can affect people who have contact with an animal that carries the pathogen (cattle, sheep). A person can become infected by consuming raw milk contaminated with Brucella. The disease is characterized by a varied clinical picture and occurs with varying degrees of severity of symptoms. Brucellosis is characterized by a long course and repeated exacerbations of the inflammatory process of the pelvic organs (if the fallopian tubes are involved in the pathological process), as well as the development of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system (see "Symptoms of acute brucellosis", "Clinical picture of chronic brucellosis").