Cystadenoma Mucoid

Mucoid cystadenomas are benign ovarian cystic formations that have mucous contents and a cyst with thin walls. The pathology is one of the most common pelvic tumors in women. Neoplasms of this form have serious complications and a high risk of degeneration into malignant tumors.

Why does mucoid cystadenump occur? The exact mechanism of formation of this pathology is not known. However, experts identify several risk factors for the development of this pathology:

history of infectious diseases; burdened genetic history of cancer; the influence of environmental factors (smoking, alcohol abuse, taking hormonal contraceptives, neuroendocrine disorders and others); weight problems; abortion; premenopausal period. When a cystic tumor forms in the ovarian appendages, their internal structures undergo an atrophic process, disrupting the normal level of hormone production. Also, due to hormonal imbalance, active proliferation of connective tissue occurs, which complicates and negatively affects the patency of the ducts, leading to the formation of cystic formations. In this case, pain may occur in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. Sharp pain is felt with active movement. When palpating the abdominal cavity with your fingers, a small oval tumor is felt.

Treatment of mucoid cystadenoma abroad is carried out on the basis of various methods: surgery, laser therapy, drug treatment or drug support. The choice of method depends on the size of the cystic formation, the presence or absence of complications, the somatic status of the patient and many other factors.