Trophic ulcer

A complication of infection of the lower extremities, as well as a consequence of erysipelas and traumatic damage to the skin. T. - areas of skin under the toes and in the interdigital spaces that have a dirty gray color, hypergranulation, and often infected ulcers. The process subsides and recurs or chronically worsens, often leading to amputation of the lower limb. When treating T., which began at the stage of complications and became chronic, the use of antibacterial agents, antiplatelet agents and fibrinolytic drugs is ineffective and leads to a limitation of the dynamics of the process. During the treatment process, it is desirable to first reduce the pressure inside the vessels, then use neurotropic drugs with antioxidants and cytoprotectors, pentoxifylline (Trental - up to 400 mg/day). It is often necessary to change the antibiotic and add group A penicillins and intermedial antibiotics if they are ineffective. They use debris and dehydrotherapy, oxygen barotherapy, ingestion of a glucosone-caine mixture, physiotherapy, and enzyme replacement therapy.