
Efficiency is the ability of an organ or the entire organism to actively work in a given rhythm. In labor physiology, performance is determined by the level of functional capabilities of the body, which is characterized by the quantity and quality of work performed in a certain period of time.

Performance can be high, medium or low depending on activity level and work efficiency. High performance means that a person can work for a long time and effectively without getting tired. Average performance is the level at which a person is able to work for a certain time, but not always effectively. Low performance indicates that a person cannot perform a job for long periods of time or with high efficiency.

Performance depends on many factors, such as age, gender, health, level of physical fitness, as well as on working conditions and organization of the work process. For example, older people may have lower performance due to age-related changes in the body, while athletes may have high performance due to good physical shape. Also, performance may vary depending on working conditions, such as noise, temperature, lighting, etc.

To maintain high performance, you need to monitor your health, eat right, exercise and rest. In addition, it is important to maintain a work and rest schedule so that the body can recover after exercise.


Efficiency is the ability to work physically and mentally – both as an individual and as a team as a whole. It can be considered as a quantitative category of activity effectiveness, which reflects a measure of the cumulative influence of various factors associated both with the characteristics of the work itself and with the health, functional state and performance of the individual performer. In other words, performance is considered as a combination of a person’s physical and psycho-emotional endurance with his intellectual abilities and knowledge. The concept of performance as an indicator of human health emphasizes the fact of the high price that the manufacturer pays for the work result. Performance – as a complex phenomenon, requires taking into account many factors, the quantitative characteristics of each of which are interrelated with the others. The extent to which these factors are taken into account depends on the scientific understanding of work activity. Taking this into account, three options for assessing performance can be distinguished: functional, psychological and physiological. The functional criterion, meeting the requirements of sociological methodology, is easily accessible