Breath 1

**Breathing** is the process by which air from the lungs is pushed out through the muscles and then inhaled back. Breathing is the main way to provide the body's cells with the oxygen necessary to maintain their vital functions. However, breathing also plays an important role in regulating body temperature and metabolic rate, maintaining homeostasis, and controlling the cardiovascular system.

It is important to note that human breathing is not a completely natural process. Unlike other animals, people do not have the need to take an additional breath after exhalation, as happens in, for example, fish. To breathe, people need to make independent active inhalations and exhalations, which can be difficult during physical exertion, at altitude, under stress or in a state of intoxication.

The natural rhythm of breathing is created by two parts of the respiratory system - the lungs and their airways. It is important for respiratory health and energy balance. Proper breathing is very important for many activities related to physical activity, fitness, and sports. Inhalation and exhalation will be regulated depending on the goals of the practice of sports such as breathing exercises, yoga or meditation.

Breathing 1 is a term that describes the ability of the respiratory system to work efficiently and withstand long periods