Brusilovsky Device

The Brusilov device is a device created by Soviet psychoneurologist Lev Yakovlevich Brusilovsky in the 1930s. The device is designed to measure and analyze the electrical potentials of the human brain, which makes it possible to assess its functional state and identify possible deviations in the functioning of the nervous system.

Brusilovsky's device is an electroencephalograph that records the electrical activity of the brain and converts it into graphic form. It consists of several components, including electrodes, an amplifier and a recording device. Electrodes are placed on the patient's head, and then a recording device records the brain's electrical potentials on a graph tape.

The use of Brusilovsky's device makes it possible to identify various disorders in the nervous system, such as epilepsy, depression, schizophrenia and other mental disorders. This helps neurologists diagnose and treat patients more accurately and effectively.

In addition, Brusilovsky's device can be used in scientific research to study brain functions and its response to various influences, such as stress, fatigue, sleep, etc. This allows scientists to better understand the processes occurring in the human nervous system and develop new methods of treating and preventing diseases.

Brusilov device

The Brusilov device is a neurosurgical instrument developed by Soviet physician Lev Yakovlevich Brusilovsky in 1951. It is named after Brusilovsky himself, an outstanding Soviet psychoneurologist and neurosurgeon, author of more than 300 scientific papers devoted to problems of neurology and psychiatry.

Using the Brusilov device The device is a small cylindrical object with a thin strip of blade at the top. The blade is attached to the rod and secured with a spring. The device is used to trim the meninges during brain surgery, as well as to remove tumors and abscesses.

Brusilovsky's device includes two main elements: a rod and a handle. The rod is a metal rod that can be adjusted in length. The handle is attached to the rod using a spring, which allows you to easily and quickly change the length of the device. In addition, the handle has a safety mechanism that protects the operator from possible injury. In the center of the rod there is a blade that has the shape of a semicircle. The blade is shaped into a circle or a hemisphere, depending on what type of operation will be performed. The end of the handle has a gripping surface that allows the surgeon to hold the device securely in his hand. Thanks to its unique design, Brusilovsky's device becomes an effective and safe tool for operations on the brain and other organs of the central nervous system. It allows you to perform delicate manipulations without damaging the patient’s tissues and organs, while ensuring maximum precision and reliability of surgical interventions.