Buraya lipoma

Lipoma brown is a congenital or acquired disease that affects the fatty layer of the skin and muscles. It is a benign tumor that grows slowly and is not prone to degeneration. Although this condition may not be very noticeable, it is often accompanied by pain and other unpleasant symptoms. In this article we will look at the causes of lipoma brown and its treatment.

Causes of lipoma

One of the most common causes of lipoma is heredity. If a person has a genetic predisposition to the appearance of fatty tumors, then the likelihood of their development is much higher. Other reasons include:

traumatic injuries to the skin or muscles; chemical burns; bone injuries; muscle strain; infectious diseases; general disorders in the functioning of the body. Treatment

Currently, lipoma brown is treated in several ways. Once this tumor is detected, you need to visit a specialist. It is necessary to exclude possible causes for its occurrence and choose the most optimal treatment method:

Surgical removal is the most effective treatment for lipoma. The doctor makes a small incision in the skin and removes part of the tumor along with the capsule. After this, I stitch the wound, and stitches are placed at the incision site. Removing the tumor in this way takes less than 30 minutes, and the patient can immediately return home. Surgery can be performed both in the presence of a tumor and before. The patient is also given a course of antibiotics to prevent the development of infection. The only disadvantage of surgical removal is the scar at the incision site.

Cryodestruction - the procedure is performed under anesthesia, which allows you to completely anesthetize the process. The doctor removes the tumor using a special needle. To do this, it is necessary to hold the operating needle in special equipment that freezes the tissue around the tumor. The remaining material is then removed mechanically. Lipomas of this type are removed quickly and without scars. However, this method is not suitable for large volumes.

Brown lipoma is a hyperplastic type of benign soft tissue neoplasm, which is usually localized in the subcutaneous fat in the area of ​​the back of the hand and forearm. Another name for this disease is hibernoma. They arise due to a violation of the outflow of lymph from tissue structures and excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the vessels and tissues. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between pink lipoma, hibernoma and fibrogranulomatous lipoma.

Manifestations of the disease can be different. Most often, local dysfunction of the target organ is observed - pain or decreased sensitivity in the hand. Patients rarely convey the sensation of the presence of a tumor as such. Tumors in the forearms usually appear as painful bumps or ridges in the subcutaneous fat. Sometimes patients notice a soft growth or lump with an uneven surface on the back or ribs. At the same time, the appearance and sensations depend on the type of tumor process.

The skin structure of this zone is considered one of the most unfavorable, since the skin is thin and inelastic. There is no subcutaneous fatty tissue, the innervation is loose, so lymphatic drainage is difficult. This causes problems during surgical treatment. Fat capsules are very dense and tight, their resection is performed traumatically, without any difficulties, but removal of tumors from the tissue often leads to relapses or spread of cancer growth beyond the boundaries of the surgical field. For this reason, this area is subjected to only non-aggressive conservative treatment methods.