
Sialostosis is a chronic dilation of the excretory duct of the parotid salivary gland, leading to the formation of persistent salivary fistulas. Complaints of swelling and pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound after organ-sparing operations on the parotid salivary glands.

Oral hygiene is very difficult; More often there is more than one cyst, which is explained by the regeneration of the affected tissue area. In old age, the cyst often recurs (in 25% of cases).

Treatment is performed surgically; conservative therapy is extremely ineffective; removal of the cyst leaves insignificant

Sialostosis is one of the most common oral problems. This is a disruption in the production or drainage of saliva that can lead to problems in the entire oral cavity and even affect the health of the entire body. In this article we will look at the main causes and symptoms of this disease and methods of its treatment.

1. Causes of sialoston The most common type of sialoston is reactive. Due to instability of the immune system due to allergies, infectious diseases, complications after surgery or endocrine diseases, the metabolic process of the salivary glands fails and an acute form occurs. This type is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, accumulation of saliva in the oral and nasal cavities and increased sputum production. The non-inflammatory type most often occurs in people over 45 years of age, as well as in women during hormonal changes in the body (menstrual cycle, pregnancy). In this case, the salivary glands work more actively, but with a reduced ability to remove these parts, the body overexerts itself and for this reason an excess of secretion is formed. As a result, the gland membrane dies. The most characteristic signs of such sialostav are the sensation of a copious amount of mucus in the mouth and pronounced drying of the mucous membranes. 2. Symptoms If you are worried about excessive saliva production and discomfort, then this may be a sign of a salivary gland disease. The main symptom is white deposits visible both in the mouth and on the outer surfaces of the skin and surface of the tongue. In this case, an increased desire to eat and dry mouth may also be observed. 3. Possible complications The most dangerous consequence of sialastat is dehydration, so it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed. Saliva contains about 80% water, so to maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body, you need to drink water. If a person has a dysfunction of the salivary gland, then the recommended fluid intake can increase to 2-3 liters per day. Various disruptions in the digestive process may also occur due to a lack of enzymes and protein to digest food. 4. Diagnostics A number of methods are used to diagnose sialonate. One of them is carrying out tests (general blood test, urine test, scatology, MRI if indicated), which can determine the cause of the development of the disease. Another diagnosis is an examination of the oral cavity and collection of saliva for analysis. Dacryocystorhinography is a study carried out to determine the functionality of the patient’s salivary and lacrimal glands. The technique involves filling each department one by one. A CT scan helps provide a visual image of different areas of the mouth. Ultrasound allows you to determine the size and location of the salivary glands, as well as the structure and composition of the secretions from them. If you require consultation with a specialist, the best way is to contact a qualified dentist. He will examine your oral cavity and find out

**Sialostasis** is a syndrome characterized by impaired secretion and/or changes in the composition of saliva in response to stimulation due to anatomical or functional reasons. The condition is accompanied by an increased content of salivary secretion, often without affecting its composition. **Syn.: "