Carbohydrate dystrophy

Acne dystrophy is a disease that is characterized by the appearance on the skin of purulent elements (vesicles, papules, pustules) in the form of clusters that look like acne-like rashes in the absence of comedones.

Dystrophic changes in the skin can be described as a manifestation of exudative-catarrhal inflammation. It can be clinically recognized by a number of signs, such as: 1. a large amount of exudate with low viscosity, 2. pronounced or abundant transudates (edema), 3.


Dystrophy is a violation of the normal structure and function of tissues, organs and the body as a whole, arising as a result of disruption of plastic processes. Widely used in oncology, pediatrics, dermatology, surgery and many other areas of medicine.

Prevention and treatment

Therapeutic measures aimed at accelerating regeneration and normalizing tissue functions depend on the nature of dystrophy and can be carried out in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. The main method of treatment is taking medications, among which cytostatics and immunomodulators are considered the most effective. In the later stages, cell therapy sessions are carried out; for the treatment of deep burns, the main method is skin transplantation. As part of rehabilitation therapy, oxygen inhalations, massage, exercise therapy, and water procedures are prescribed. An important place in the treatment of dystrophies is occupied by diet as one of the preventive measures, in which the patient’s diet is reviewed, the amount of food consumed is increased, and the caloric content of the diet is regulated. The purpose of the diet is to slow down the process of dystrophy, since a sharp reduction in calorie content of food can accelerate the spread of the process.

Treatment is carried out by patients under the supervision of a doctor.