Cardiomyopathy Idiopathic

Idiopathic myocardial disease (IPM) is a diagnosis in cardiology that refers to damage to the heart muscle without evidence of overt disease or an established etiology (i.e., cause). Etiology is the scientific principles that describe the causes of the occurrence and development of diseases. Despite many studies and publications on this problem, the exact mechanism of development of IPM has not yet been elucidated. What is ideomyopathy disease? What are the causes and clinical presentation of idiopathic cardiomyopathy? Let's look at the basic information.

Idiopathic cardiomyopathy (ICMP) is a disorder of the structural function of the heart, which is initially an acquired diagnosis and only over time becomes a primary pathology. It is less common to write with the prefix “mono”, then we are talking about an isolated change in the myocardium that is not caused by another systemic disease. Diseases in this section belong to one of the following groups or both: 1. Cardiovascular diseases. 2. General diseases.

Of the reasons for provoking idiopathic cardiomyopathy, the following are put in first place: * hereditary predisposition; * viral infection of the body; * chronic intoxication with metals or drugs;

The acquired ICP is about 90%. It can also be noted that the disease occurs at any age and in both sexes, but symptoms usually appear in adulthood. Idiopathic dilated PM is characterized by expansion of the cavities of the heart and problems with blood ejection due to a decrease in the volume of the working