Cat therapy: how to heal with the help of a cat?

Cats cannot stand consumerism. And it is almost impossible to deceive this animal; a cat senses falsehood a mile away. A purr will only be treated by someone who treats it with sincere love and respect.

Although our scientists are skeptical about cat therapy, in the West it is fully recognized even by official medicine. The medicinal properties of cats were accidentally discovered by employees of the London Institute of Therapeutic Methods. During one of the experiments, the institute's favorite cat, Martha, wandered into the laboratory. When the animal passed by the low-frequency current generator, the sensors went off scale. It turned out that Martha's electromagnetic field is stronger than the field of an expensive device.

Scientists decided to test whether Martha could be used instead of a generator; At that time, the institute was developing a method for treating chronic inflammatory diseases using low-frequency currents. They recruited a group of volunteers, half of whom were treated by devices, and the other half by a cat. A month later, the results of the experiment were summed up. Martha managed to cure all of her patients, while only half of the other group recovered.

Low-frequency currents in cats are produced due to the friction of hairs against each other. A number of experiments have shown that cat therapy best helps with inflammation of the joints and gynecological diseases. In the latter case, it is enough to place the cat on the lower abdomen and, stroking it, sit there for about 20 minutes.

Another mechanism of positive impact on humans is a cat’s purring. Doctors compare its effect to ultrasound therapy. The range from 27 to 44 hertz, in which cats purr, has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, improves cerebral circulation, normalizes blood pressure and stabilizes heart rate.

What diseases can cats treat?

Eastern medicine divides diseases into two categories: “yin” and “yang”. Healers are sure that the cause of all ailments is an energy imbalance in the body. Chronic fatigue, neurasthenia, heart and kidney failure, arthritis and hypotension are caused by a lack of energy. These diseases belong to the “yin” category. “Yang” diseases occur from an excess of energy. These are: strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, osteochondrosis, arthritis. All these ailments can be treated by cats.

The color and breed of the animal play a significant role in the healing process. Black cats are best at ridding their owners of an excess of negative energy and treating “yang” diseases well. White fuzzies nourish those who suffer from energy weakness. Gray cats work equally well with all patient groups. Redheads are able to charge their owners with positive energy. “Yang” diseases are better treated by short-haired cats, while long-haired cats cope more easily with “yin” ailments.

Remember that not every disease can affect your pet. With peritonitis or appendicitis, only a surgeon can help. Incurable diseases (for example, oncology) can lead to the illness of the mustachioed doctor himself. Cases have been recorded where animals took the disease upon themselves and even died trying to cure their owner. But much more often, four-legged doctors dose the load without making themselves sick.

How to organize treatment correctly?

Painful sensations indicate a change in energy potential. The cat does not feel pain, but precisely this imbalance in the body. She locates the problem area and lies down on it. Simultaneously with the adjustment of energy balance, a person receives heat treatment, which is useful for many diseases.

For “yin” diseases, it is recommended to place the cat on the sore spot so that the animal’s head is on the left side of the human body. Yang diseases are better treated when the cat is positioned in reverse on the body.