How to relieve foot pain after wearing high heels

There is nothing more sexy and painful than high heels. Catching the admiring glances of men on our beautifully stretched legs, we often have only one thought in our heads - to hobble home as soon as possible. Heaviness and fatigue in the legs can be removed with simple exercises.

How to overcome tired legs

What a divine feeling it is to kick off your shoes and feel that the toe and heel, it turns out, can be on the same level. But sometimes just throwing your heels aside is not enough to relieve foot pain. The main tension falls on the calves. Therefore, in order to forever forget about fatigue in the legs, you need to “lengthen” them, as well as strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.


Stand on the floor with your hands and feet at the same time, without lifting your heels from the floor. The butt should “look” up. In this position, begin to do a bicycle with your legs - this helps to lengthen your calf muscles. Do the exercise for about a minute.

Calf stretch

Stand at arm's length facing the wall. Step forward with your right foot and place your hands on the wall at chest height. Press your right knee against the wall (without lifting your heels) until you feel tension in your left. And so 8 times with each leg.

Warm up the feet

Get a small, hard ball, like a tennis ball (or steal one from your dog). Hold onto a wall for balance. Place the ball under your foot and try to stand on it. Balance on each leg for one minute.

Hip stretch

Standing on your right foot, lift your left knee to a 90-degree angle and hold for 10-15 seconds, twisting your toe in the air. Repeat the exercise with each leg 5 times.

Hips lift

Lie on your back, bend your knees closer to your butt. Then lift your butt using only your legs - an exercise that is extremely beneficial for the gluteal muscles. First, lift your butt off the floor just a little 30 times, then 15 times - as much as you can, then hold your butt in the air for a few seconds and from the air continue to push it further up. If you want to complicate the exercise, you can lift your butt with only one leg, while the other is raised with its toe to the ceiling.


Balancing on each leg in turn with dumbbells in your hands, lift your other leg into the air in swallow pose. Do three sets of 10 reps on each leg, resting for a minute between sets.