
Cataract: symptoms, types and treatment

Cataract is an eye disease characterized by persistent clouding of the lens. This can lead to poor vision and, in some cases, even complete blindness. In this article, we will look at the causes, symptoms, types and treatments of cataracts.

Causes of cataracts

Cataracts can be caused by a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Age-related changes
  2. Hereditary factors
  3. Diseases of the inner membranes of the eye
  4. Contusion or penetrating eye injuries
  5. Intoxication
  6. Ionizing radiation
  7. Metabolic disorders

Changes in the lens during cataracts consist of degeneration of the epithelium of the anterior capsule and lens fibers. Fiber disintegration, liquefaction and subsequent partial resorption are observed. The resulting cracks are filled with liquid containing a suspension of fine-grained detritus or larger rounded particles. There is a change in the chemical composition of the lens: the water content increases, then the concentration of sodium, calcium, chlorine ions increases, the content of amino acids increases, and at the same time the amount of water-soluble proteins, ascorbic acid, and riboflavin decreases. The activity of a number of enzymes decreases, oxygen consumption sharply decreases, and lipid peroxidation is disrupted.

Symptoms of cataracts

You can suspect you have cataracts based on the following signs:

  1. Sudden blurred vision, like fog before the eyes
  2. Difficulty reading books with large print, even with glasses
  3. Difficulty distinguishing distant objects
  4. Temporary blurring or ghosting of objects
  5. Eye sensitivity to bright light
  6. Light pupil

Types of cataracts

There are several types of cataracts:

  1. Congenital cataract
  2. Acquired cataract
  3. Senile cataract
  4. Traumatic cataract (contusion and perforation)
  5. Complicated cataract (with uveitis and high myopia)
  6. Radiation cataract
  7. Toxic cataract (ergotine, naphthalene)
  8. Caused by a general disease of the body (diabetes)

Senile cataracts are the most common form of the disease. It most often occurs in people over 55-60 years of age. Senile cataracts develop gradually, and patients do not notice changes for a long time. At the initial stage of the disease, patients may not complain, but sometimes they note the appearance of smoke before the eyes, floaters, double vision of objects in one eye, deterioration of distance vision while maintaining normal acuity when examining objects at close range. When examining the lens in lateral lighting, spoke-shaped gray opacities are revealed, extending from the periphery to the center, while the center of the lens may not be affected. Initial cataracts progress differently: in some patients, cataracts develop within 10 years, while in others, the stage of immature cataracts occurs after 2-3 years.

At the stage of immature cataracts, clouding covers most of the lens, so there are complaints of a sharp decrease in vision. When the lens is illuminated from the side, noticeable opacities are visible. At the stage of mature cataract, the lens becomes completely clouded, which leads to a significant decrease in vision. At the stage of overmature cataracts, the lens further disintegrates and can cause an inflammatory reaction.

Cataract treatment

The only effective treatment for cataracts is surgery to replace the clouded lens with an artificial one. This procedure is called phacoemulsification. During the operation, the surgeon removes the clouded lens and replaces it with an artificial, transparent one. This type of treatment is safe and effective. However, like any surgery, it is not without certain risks, including infection and hemorrhage.

In conclusion, cataracts are a serious condition that can lead to significant vision loss. If you have symptoms of cataracts, it is important to see an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment. Early consultation with a doctor can significantly improve the prognosis of the outcome of the disease.

Cataract is a vision disease that causes clouding of the lens of the eye. A clouded lens does not allow light rays to pass through to the retina, causing various visual impairments from decreased visual acuity to complete blindness. Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness in older people; it ranks second among all eye diseases. Cataracts occur with aging, with many endocrine diseases, and can also be caused by certain infections, eye injuries, or long-term use of medications. In the treatment of cataracts, the most effective method is surgery to remove the clouded lens.

However, recently there are innovative treatments that can help improve vision and prevent the need for surgery. One such method is “laser cataract surgery” technology, which uses laser beams to impact the lens of the eye.

Other innovative methods include using special contact lenses that contain special chemicals that can change the shape and stiffness of the lens, and using a special technique using ultrasound to remove part of the lens from the surface of the eye. All of these methods help slow the progression of cataracts and can even restore vision completely in some patients. Overall modern