Rheumatism, polyarthritis

Rheumatism is a disease characterized by widespread inflammation of connective tissue, primarily affecting the heart, joints and other organs. Occurs as a result of an autoimmune reaction to streptococcal infection in predisposed individuals.

Main clinical manifestations:

  1. Polyarthritis is inflammation of several joints, often large ones. It is migratory in nature.

  2. Carditis is an inflammation of the heart that affects the myocardium, valves, and pericardium. Leads to the development of heart defects.

  3. Chorea is a hyperkinetic syndrome with involuntary movements.

  4. Aschoff-Talanov nodules are subcutaneous rheumatic nodules.

  5. Erythema marginal - ring-shaped rash.

Diagnosis is based on a history of streptococcal infection, clinical picture, laboratory data (increased ESR, CRP).

Treatment is carried out in a hospital and includes:

  1. Antibacterial therapy with penicillins

  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  3. In severe cases - glucocorticoids

  4. Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy

Prevention - sanitation of foci of infection, secondary antibiotic prophylaxis.

Polyarthritis is inflammation of several joints at the same time. It can be a manifestation of various diseases, including rheumatism. It is characterized by pain, swelling and dysfunction of the affected joints. Treatment depends on the cause and is aimed at relieving inflammation.