Cataract Complete

Complete cataract Complete cataract is a condition where the lens of the eye is completely or almost completely devoid of transparency due to clouding of the lens core. This can cause vision loss to the point of complete blindness and requires surgery to remove the cloudy lens and implant an artificial lens in its place.

Causes of complete clouding of the lens may include heredity, aging, injury, infection, chemical damage and certain medications. **Symptoms** may include headache, eye pain, and decreased visual acuity. Diagnosis is made based on medical history, visual examination and additional tests such as ultrasound, computed tomography and ophthalmoscopy. Treatment for complete lens opacity may include medication, laser treatment, or surgery. Surgical treatment may include extraction of the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial lens prosthesis that will transmit light. An important step in this is the assessment of the necessary preoperative tests, the presence/absence of contraindications to surgery, the selection of the appropriate type of prosthesis and methods of its implantation. It is important to know that complete cataracts can be prevented by taking steps to prevent the cause of clouding of the eye lens. Daily eye exercises, eating a healthy diet and drinking enough fluids, and avoiding smoking and drinking too much alcohol can help preserve your vision and prevent the development of cataracts.

As a result, the cataract is complete - this is a dangerous condition for vision that requires rapid