Censorship Intrapsychic

Intrapsychic censorship is a term used in psychoanalytic theory to refer to the idea of ​​the superego (instinctive desires and impulses) controlling mental processes that move from the unconscious to the conscious. It is the process by which we avoid or suppress unwanted thoughts, feelings and actions that may be perceived as unacceptable or dangerous to us.

In the process of psychoanalysis, the censoring function of the "superego" is often perceived as harmful and controlling because it can lead to stifling and limiting creativity, freedom of expression and inner growth. For example, if a person has a difficult relationship with his mother or father, then his internal dialogue may filter out critical thoughts about

“Intrapsychic censorship” is a phenomenon that occurs during the interaction of two or more elements of the psyche, when one system controls the other, disrupting its manifestation. This process often occurs in a person’s life; it can have both positive and negative effects on personality development. Let's take a closer look at what intrapsychological censorship is and how it manifests itself in different areas of life.

In psychoanalytic theory, the internal psychic censor is an element of the Super-Ego that controls all processes occurring in the subconscious and filters out those that contradict internal rules and norms of behavior. The process of censoring the intrapsychic can have a positive effect on the personality, but can also lead to distortion of information and blocking of further development.

One example of censorship within the psyche may be the process of forming new interests. Usually a person begins to become interested in something new after gaining new knowledge and experience, but sometimes this can happen under the influence of censorship filters within the psyche that the superego can install. In this case, a person’s interests may not develop further, but remain at the level of momentary interest.

Another example related to creativity may include creative crises that arise when exposed to censorship within the psychological. Thus, creative development may be slowed down or even stopped due to internal protection and limited creativity.

Thus, internal psychological censorship can lead to constraint and inhibition of creative freedom of expression. Therefore, working with this phenomenon is an important task for psychologists and helps the development of the individual and his potential.