
Ceruloplamin is a blood plasma metalloprotein that belongs to alpha globulins and contains copper. It has the properties of an oxidizing enzyme and plays an important role in the metabolism of copper in the body.

Ceruloplamin is one of the main proteins that bind copper in the blood. It helps transport copper from tissues to the liver, where it can be used to produce hemoglobin. In addition, it also plays a role in regulating iron levels in the blood and maintaining normal zinc levels.

With hepatocerebrovascular dystrophy (hepatocerebrodystrophy), the content of C. in the blood plasma decreases, which can lead to disruption of the metabolism of copper and iron. This can lead to various diseases such as anemia, arthrosis, osteoporosis and others.

A decrease in the content of C. in the blood can also be associated with various diseases, such as cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma and others. In these cases, the level of C. in the blood serum may be reduced due to impaired liver function or other diseases.

In general, C. is an important component of copper metabolism in the body and can play an important role in various diseases. Studying its role in pathology can help develop new methods for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with impaired copper metabolism.

Ceruloplasmin: metabolic stimulant and immunodrug

Ceruloplasmin is an immunodrug produced in Russia, which belongs to the pharmacological group of metabolism stimulants of various chemical groups. It is a blood plasma metalloprotein containing copper and belonging to the class of alpha globulins. Ceruloplasmin has the properties of an oxidative enzyme and plays an important role in the body.

The dosage form of ceruloplasmin is a powder for injection, which is used to prepare an intravenous solution. The drug is produced by Microgen NPO, a company specializing in the production of immunotherapy drugs.

Ceruloplasmin is used for various medical purposes. It can be used to stimulate hematopoiesis, that is, the process of blood formation. The drug is also used to reduce intoxication and immunological correction in complex therapy of cancer patients.

The use of ceruloplasmin is also advisable during the preoperative preparation period in weakened patients with anemia. In the early postoperative period, it can be used in cases of massive blood loss during surgery and in purulent-septic complications.

The drug is also indicated in the complex therapy of patients with acute and chronic osteomyelitis. In addition, ceruloplasmin can be used in combination chemotherapy for cancer patients, including patients with hematologic malignancies with mild intoxication.

Before using ceruloplasmin, it is necessary to consider contraindications to its use. Hypersensitivity to drugs of protein origin is the main contraindication.

There may be some side effects when using ceruloplasmin. At the beginning of treatment, patients may experience facial flushing, nausea, chills, short-term fever and skin rashes. In such cases, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug, reduce the rate of its administration, or discontinue its use.

At the moment, there is no data on the interaction of ceruloplasmin with other drugs, and there is no information on cases of overdose or special instructions for the use of the drug.

Ceruloplasmin is an important immunodrug that is used in various fields of medicine. It has the properties of an oxidative enzyme and can be used to stimulate hematopoiesis, reduce intoxication and immunological correction, as well as in the complex therapy of oncological diseases, osteomyelitis and other conditions. However, before using ceruloplasmin, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions for use to avoid side effects and contraindications.