Chapter 10 All Words - For Your Favor

Chapter 10. All words are in your favor

Never talk bad about yourself! Remember: others will always be happy to do this for you. If your plans for self-improvement include creating the image of a lucky and problem-free woman, start doing this now. Hide your sighs, your tears and complaints. Who needs them? Perhaps they will sympathize with you. Perhaps someone will even show completely sincere pity. But people always have so many of their own problems that they are reluctant to solve other people’s problems. In the end, you will get nothing but self-pity. But the opinion that you are “a loser, just like everyone else” is guaranteed for you.

If you are upset out loud that you have no money and you will have to walk around in old boots all winter, then, most likely, those around you will sigh and sincerely support: “Ah, ah! What a moneyless horror is happening around!” - they will say sympathetically. But in fact, two negative thoughts associated with you now for a long time will remain in their subconscious memory: firstly, you have no money (which means you are poor); secondly, you are wearing old boots (that means old boots). So, in the end, your image is “poor in old age”. Is this what you wanted?!

If the next day, standing in front of the mirror, you say: “Oh my God, what does my hair look like?! No dandruff shampoo helps!” - They will answer you: “Oh, oh! Of course, this advertising only tires, but they all lie.” But the thought that connects with you... will cause disgust and hostility.

If you say: “Oh my God, the neighbor got drunk again and broke into my apartment half the night!” “I won’t be surprised that in two days you will hear a story about how you were raped in turn by three people in your own apartment, with whom you drank half a liter the day before.” Try and make excuses later. "No need!" - they will tell you - “There is no smoke without fire. For some reason no one breaks into my door at night! What can you do, we cannot remake this whole world.”

But you can change yourself. And do not expose yourself to unnecessary blows of rumors and gossip. Be unattainable and closed to any negative talk about you. You can have a close girlfriend, a beloved friend, or discuss your problems with your lover. But it’s better not to do this either: even with your beloved friend you can quarrel, and she will reveal your secrets. A friend can go to another city and take your secrets to an unknown direction. And your beloved will reproach you for your shortcomings and weaknesses.

If you want to become a truly strong woman, then remember: fairy tales about the kind and gentle world around you are not for your ears. Let's face it. The world is more often hostile to us, envious and selfish. If you don't want to take this into account, he will crush you. What did you think?

Nevertheless, always be polite and friendly to everyone, and do not cause unnecessary harm to people. But be strong! And try to protect yourself in advance from that unexpected harm that, even thoughtlessly, even irresponsibly, can still be done to you!

Be a better woman for whom everything is “okay!”, “don’t undermine me!”, and always try to turn everything in your favor. Say: “My favorite boots - what a pity that they are not new... I could have bought expensive and fashionable ones long ago, but I love these so much that, apparently, I will part with them only for the next season.”

When you come to work, you can say - just notice, say - that you slept well today and feel great.

You can talk about any real things that happen to you in life, because your environment in any case requires attention and communication with it. But when talking about yourself, always speak only in a positive light. At the same time, never lie or invent wonderful fairy tales that could happen to you, but never happened in reality.

Don't talk about how a week ago Prince Charming pulled you out from under the bus and now calls you every evening, proposing his hand and heart.

Don't talk about what happened last night