Inflammation of the Kidneys (Nephritis)

Kidney inflammation, or nephritis, is a serious condition that can occur as an acute reaction to an infection, injury, or other impact on the kidneys, or become chronic if not treated promptly. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatments for kidney inflammation.

The causes of kidney inflammation can be different. Most often, the disease occurs as a result of a cold, when the body becomes more vulnerable to various infections. Nephritis can also develop as a consequence of serious illnesses, drunkenness and other reasons.

Acute disease is manifested by fever, pain in the back and kidney area, dark urine mixed with blood and protein, as well as swelling on the face. If treatment is not started, the disease can become chronic or even lead to uric acid poisoning and death.

Treatment of nephritis begins with providing first aid to the patient. It is necessary to cleanse the stomach, give as much hot diaphoretic tea to drink as possible from an infusion of linden blossom, mint, raspberry, and sage. Then the patient is put to bed and surrounded on all sides with bottles of hot water so that he sweats well. During the first 5 days, it is better not to give the patient anything to eat, just let him drink 2 cups of ordinary tea and take a laxative.

If the patient gets better, a milk diet is needed until the swelling disappears, but the milk must be skimmed. If the patient cannot tolerate cow's milk, you can give him almond milk or add a little soda to the milk. Then they gradually switch to crackers, vegetables, fruits, but without salt. Do not give beef broth until complete recovery, as it contains a lot of salt.

When switching to meat, you should first give rabbit, then pork, and then beef and chicken. The worst things in this case are veal and game.

Folk remedies can also help with kidney inflammation. For example, you can drink 2 cups of seedless rosehip infusion a day. It is also recommended to drink a glass of infusion from dried apple peels (ground peels in powder), which should be drunk in 3 doses during the day.

In conclusion, kidney inflammation is a serious disease that requires timely treatment. If you notice symptoms of nephritis, be sure to consult a doctor for qualified help. Also, do not forget prevention: monitor your health, avoid hypothermia, strengthen your immune system, maintain hygiene and drink enough fluids. Remember, timely consultation with a doctor and proper treatment will help avoid complications and restore health.