Chapter 15. Silent Games

Chapter 15. Silent Games.

Even the most energetic children need a little peace sometimes. In order not to overload your kids and prevent overtiredness, it is necessary to alternate active games with calmer activities. In this chapter, we'll look at some quiet play ideas that can help calm children and give parents and caregivers some rest.

Vanishing Digit: In this game, children have to take turns calling out numbers from 1 to 20. One player chooses a number to "disappear." When players reach this number, they must skip it and continue with the next one.

Follow the Maestro: In this game, children must follow the leader and copy his movements. The leader can make various movements, such as waving his arms or stomping his feet. The rest of the players must repeat after him. After some time, the leader changes.

Newspaper Report: In this game, children must select an article from a newspaper and read it out loud. They then have to tell what they read using their own words. This game helps develop reading and analysis skills.

Rainbow Cards: This game requires children to draw their own rainbow cards. Each color of the rainbow represents something special, for example, red can mean love, orange can mean friendship, yellow can mean sun, etc. Children must draw a map using the colors of the rainbow and explain what each color means.

Cards: In this game, children have to play various card games like Fool, Whist, Poker, etc. This helps develop skills such as concentration, memory and strategic thinking.

Matching different shapes: In this game, children have to use geometric shapes to make different pictures and shapes. This helps develop creative thinking and improve coordination of movements.

Puzzles: This game requires children to complete puzzles of varying difficulty. This helps develop skills such as logical thinking, motor coordination and patience.

Do What I Say: In this game, the leader gives commands that the rest of the players must follow. For example, a leader might say “dance on one leg” or “make circles with your head.” The remaining players must follow the leader's command.

Deep Relaxation: This game requires children to close their eyes and relax. A parent or caregiver can use special meditation techniques to help children relax and calm their minds.

Tape Talk: In this game, children have to record their voices on a tape recorder and then listen to them. This helps develop communication skills and improve speech.

Stick Art: This game requires children to use sticks and other natural materials to create works of art such as paintings and sculptures. This helps develop creative thinking and improve hand motor skills.

Cut Off Face: This game requires kids to use different pieces of paper to create their own unique faces. This helps develop creative thinking and improve hand motor skills.

Script Writing: In this game, children have to write their own script for a play or movie. This helps develop writing skills and creative thinking.

Cutting Out Pictures: In this game, children have to cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers and use them to create collages. This helps develop creative thinking and improve hand motor skills.

Stargazing: This game challenges kids to stargaze in the night sky. This helps develop an interest in astronomy and science in general.

Tabletop Shooting: This game requires kids to play tabletop shooting game. This helps develop coordination of movements and improve reaction.

Mystery Cow: This game requires children to use their hands and fingers to create different shapes and movements. This helps develop hand motor skills and coordination.

Switching Speeds: This game requires children to change the speed of their movements, such as dancing quickly and then moving slowly and smoothly. This helps develop coordination and improve rhythm.

Mail: In this game, children have to play mail by sending letters and cards to their friends and family. This helps develop reading and writing skills and improves communication.

Story Time: In this game, children have to listen to stories and tales told by their parents or teachers. This helps develop interest in reading and improve imagination.

Picnic: In this game, children have to have a real picnic with juice and buns in the fresh air. This helps develop social skills and improve your mood.

Swing: This game requires children to swing on a swing, which helps improve coordination and balance.