Chapter 2. Joint Expectation

Chapter 2. Joint expectation

Waiting is an inevitable part of our lives, and children, like no one else, experience it more difficult. But instead of just being patient and watching the clock, you can turn this time into a pleasant activity, for example, playing with your child. In this article, we will look at some games that will help you make the wait more enjoyable and interesting.

  1. Connect the dots

This game is a classic of the genre. The child needs to connect the dots in order and get a picture. It can be a simple picture, for example, a regular circle, or a complex one, where you need to connect dots from 1 to 100. This game will help the child develop attention, improve hand motor skills and control movements.

  1. Paper, scissors, stone

This game is simple and fun. Children love to compete and show off their skills. This game can be played one on one or in a group. To play, you just need to raise your hand and show a gesture - rock, scissors or paper. The rules are simple: rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. This game will help the child learn to make decisions and analyze the situation.

  1. Connect the letters

This game will help your child learn to read and write. Write a word on a piece of paper, but break it up into letters and mix them up. The child needs to connect the letters in the correct order and get a word. This game will help develop reading and writing skills, as well as improve visual memory.

  1. A game of shadows

This game will help your child recognize various objects and animals, as well as develop attention and visual memory. Draw the shadow of an object or animal on the wall or on a piece of paper, and the child needs to guess what kind of object or animal it is. This game will help your child learn to analyze and compare objects and improve visual memory.

  1. Count faster

This game will help your child learn to count quickly and correctly. Tell your child a number and he must quickly count backwards to zero. The game can be made more difficult by adding more numbers or replacing regular numbers with complex mathematical expressions.

  1. Stories from pictures

This game will help develop imagination and creative thinking. Show your child a picture, and he must tell the story that happens in this picture. The child can use any details in the picture to build his or her story. This game will help your child develop speech, imagination and logical thinking.

  1. Avoid queues

This game will help your child learn to manage their emotions and control their behavior in public places. Have your child walk through a pretend line where each person moves forward only when the previous person has passed. This game will help your child learn to wait his turn and control his behavior in public places.

  1. Scribble

This game will help your child develop imagination and creativity. Ask your child to draw doodles on a piece of paper, and then help him find different shapes and objects in the doodles. This game will help your child learn to look at things differently and use their imagination.

  1. Physical exercise

This game will help your child develop his body and health. Encourage your child to do simple physical exercises such as squats, push-ups, or jumping jacks. This game will help your child improve their physical fitness and learn to control their body.

  1. Stories about a best friend

This game will help your child develop their social and emotional intelligence. Ask your child to tell a story about his best friend - what he likes to do, what his hobbies are, what he likes to eat. This game will help your child learn to express their thoughts and feelings, as well as develop social skills.

As you can see, games can make the wait more enjoyable and interesting. They will help your child develop, improve his skills and enjoy the time spent with you. Remember to be thoughtful and bring a variety of toys and items that can be used for play while waiting in line or in other public areas. Games are a great way to make the wait more enjoyable and memorable for you and your child.