Chapter 8 Honey and Tar

Chapter 8. Honey and tar: how to get rid of unpleasant character traits

Our character and our habits can make us undesirable and unpleasant in any social circle. But there are certain traits that a True woman must certainly get rid of in order to become a strong, bright and interesting person. In this article we will look at how to get rid of unpleasant character traits and become more attractive to others.

Let's start with arrogance. Constantly explaining how you can become a strong, bright, interesting person in your life, it may seem that we are giving you a reason to think about how you will become “chosen, different from others” and will have great significance in the eyes of others. But this is not the main thing. The main thing for you is to always understand that any most beautiful, most interesting woman becomes a generally recognized bitch if, for no reason, she showers everyone from head to toe with a cold gaze and talks through clenched teeth, demonstrating obvious superiority. The superiority may be obvious, but no one in society likes such women! Nobody wants to contact them even in case of extreme need. Remember, arrogance is an unacceptable luxury for a True woman! You don't want to be known as the best bitch in town!?

In order to become more attractive to others, you need to be careful about your behavior and manners. Pretentiousness in behavior is often found in women and sometimes, instead of an admirable image, it is simply a pitiful and funny sight. A lady who languidly rolls her eyes and sighs protractedly about romantic ideas does not evoke a response, except for the only one - to play along with her at this moment, thinking to herself: “Well, you really are stupid, my dear!”

To check whether it is pleasant to communicate with you, you can take a short test. Answer the following questions:

  1. Do you like to listen more than talk?
  2. Can you always find a topic of conversation even with a stranger?
  3. Do you always listen carefully to your interlocutor?
  4. Do you like to give advice?
  5. If the topic of conversation is not interesting to you, will you show it to your interlocutor?
  6. Do you get annoyed when people don't listen to you?
  7. Do you have your own opinion on any issue?
  8. If the topic of conversation makes you feel negative, can you control your emotions and continue the conversation in a constructive manner?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then most likely you are a pleasant and interesting conversationalist. If you answered no to most of the questions, then perhaps you should work on your communication strategy and learn to listen better and be attentive to your interlocutor.

Another unpleasant character trait that you should get rid of is criticism. Criticism, even if expressed in a constructive form, can cause negative emotions and hostility in the interlocutor. If you want to express your opinion about something, do it in a way that doesn't hurt the other person's feelings. Try to be objective and not compare other people with each other. If you want to help someone improve their skills or correct mistakes, do it in a way that is constructive and actually useful to the other person.

Finally, another unpleasant character trait that you should get rid of is envy. Envy is a negative feeling that only destroys relationships and interferes with development as a person. If you feel jealous of someone around you, try to understand why you feel that way and what you need to do to get rid of this feeling. Try to enjoy the successes of other people and support them in their achievements.

So, in order to become more attractive to others, you need to get rid of unpleasant character traits such as arrogance, pretense, criticism and envy. Try to be a friendly, objective and positive person who knows how to listen and support other people. This way, you can become a more attractive and interesting person who will be respected and appreciated in any social circle.