Calyx (Catyx, South Africa. Calyces)

Calyx (Catyx, Pl. Calyces) - a cup-shaped anatomical structure, such as the branches of the renal pelvis. Urine enters the ureter from the renal pelvis. Calyx (Catyx, Pl. Calyces) - a cup-shaped anatomical structure, such as the branches of the renal pelvis. Urine enters the ureter from the renal pelvis.

The calyx (Calyx, plural Calyces) is an important anatomical structure that plays a key role in the functioning of the kidneys and the elimination of urine from the body. The calyces are located inside the kidneys and are cup-shaped depressions that collect urine before it passes into the ureter.

Each kidney contains many calyces that connect to the ureter. Cups, in turn, consist of two main components: cups and horns. The calyces are extensions of the ureter that collect urine from the renal pelvis, and the horns, in turn, connect the calyces to the ureter.

The main function of the cups is to collect urine released by the kidneys and direct it to the ureter. When urine enters the cup, it passes through the horns and enters the ureter, where it exits the kidney and goes to the bladder. It is important to note that cups also play an important role in maintaining optimal concentrations of electrolytes in the body, as they reabsorb some of them.

In addition, cups can become the target of inflammatory diseases such as pyelonephritis. In this case, inflammation of the tissue inside the cup may occur, which can lead to disruption of its functions and the development of serious complications.

Thus, the calyx is an important kidney structure that plays an important role in eliminating urine from the body and maintaining its electrolyte balance. If kidney disease occurs, it is important to consult a doctor promptly to avoid the development of serious complications and maintain health.

A calyx (catyx) is a cup-shaped anatomical structure, such as the branches of the renal pelvis. Urine enters the ureter from the renal pelvis.

The renal pelvis is a cavity in the center of the kidney into which urine from the renal tubules drains. It branches into small cups called calyces. These cups are surrounded by pyramids of nephrons, the smallest structural and functional units of the kidney.

From the cups, urine enters the renal pelvis, and then through the ureter into the bladder. Thus, cups play an important role in removing urine from the kidneys. They collect urine from the nephrons and send it further along the urinary tract.