
Cheiloplasty is a plastic surgery aimed at eliminating various defects and deformations of the lips. It involves creating a new shape and form of the lips, as well as restoring the normal structure of tissues and blood vessels.

Cheiloplasty can be performed for both cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. In the first case, it allows you to improve the appearance of your lips, increase their volume, correct birth defects or the consequences of injuries. In the second, cheiloplasty is performed to eliminate the consequences of postoperative scars or after thermal and chemical burns, increasing lip volume as a result of weight loss, after decreasing or increasing muscle mass, reducing drooping corners of the mouth, etc. Cheiloplasty can be performed by various methods, including excision of excess tissue or flaps, tightening and strengthening of muscles, creating a new contour, increasing volume by introducing gels, creams and other materials, using injections and threads, etc. When choosing