Why is HPV type 39 dangerous and how to treat it?

The content of the article:
  1. What is important to know about HPV type 39
  2. Routes of infection
  3. Main manifestations
  4. How is it diagnosed?
  5. Treatment options for HPV type 39
    1. Drug therapy
    2. Removal of condylomas
  6. Prevention of relapse

Human papillomavirus type 39 is a special strain of HPV, which, when exposed to a favorable environment, leads to improper division of body cells. And if some types of pathogen can only disrupt the external aesthetics of the skin or interfere with everyday tasks, then the 39th strain becomes a provocateur of the development of cancer. At the same time, both men and women suffer from it. Such a diagnosis in history, fortunately, is not categorical; the disease is treatable, but the sooner the strain of the virus is identified and appropriate treatment is started, the more effective the body’s recovery will be.

What is important to know about HPV type 39?

Research into various strains of HPV continues to this day. Several hundred genotypes of the virus have already been classified. But according to their influence on the general condition of a person, all genotypes are divided into 3 groups. Human papillomavirus type 39 belongs to the third, most critical group. Its active manifestation leads to cancer, infertility and a number of other abnormalities in both sexes.

The papillomavirus type 39 primarily affects the reproductive system; the pathogen is transmitted sexually, although domestic cases of infection have also been recorded.

HPV does not necessarily begin to manifest itself immediately. The virus can remain latent for a long time and become active only when the patient’s health is severely weakened. The patient may not even be aware that he is a carrier of a dangerous pathogen.

At the moment of activation, the DNA of papilloma virus type 39 is integrated into the structure of a healthy cell and changes its division process. Thus, HPV begins to reproduce. As a rule, epithelial tissues are affected.

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Ways of infection with papillomavirus type 39

In many cases, human papillomavirus type 39 in women and men is detected after unprotected sexual intercourse. However, you should not be biased towards people with this diagnosis, because there are other ways of infection.

Let's take a closer look at all possible options for infection with the 39th strain of HPV:

  1. Sexual Act. Both partners are at risk of infection. Vaginal intercourse is much less likely to become infected than anal intercourse. Due to this specificity of infection, type 39 papilloma in men who practice non-traditional sexual relations is much more common than in conservative-minded young people.
  2. Domestic infection. The virus gets onto the injured surface of the mucous membrane or skin, using even microcracks to penetrate; to do this, it is enough to use someone else’s towel, underwear, or manicure tools.
  3. During the passage of a child through an infected birth canal. The papillomavirus type 39 is transmitted from a woman to the baby at the moment of passage through the cervix; the statistics of such infections are small, but the probability is still there.

In medical practice, cases of self-infection with HPV have also been recorded, when the pathological pathogen enters the body from contaminated hands due to violation of hygiene rules.

For the disease to manifest itself, the presence of papilloma virus type 39 in the body is not enough. The pathogen is activated when a person's immune system is weakened. This condition is observed under systematic stress, as a result of poor diet or long-term use of antibiotics.

Thus, the following people are at greater risk of becoming infected with human papillomavirus type 39:

  1. Leading a disordered sex life;
  2. With diagnosed diseases of the reproductive system;
  3. With a weakened immune system.
Note! The use of condoms does not provide a complete guarantee of protection against infection with HPV 39 strain. The size of the virus is much smaller than the pores of latex, and, therefore, even when using condoms, the partner can become infected.

Main manifestations of papillomavirus 39 strain

The photo shows papillomas type 39

The high oncogenic factor of genotype 39 makes it extremely dangerous, so the sooner the pathogen is identified and treatment is started, the better for the patient.

Note! The difficulty is that papillomavirus type 39 in women in the early stages of infection has mild symptoms or even does not appear at all.

Differences in the physiology of the reproductive system in women and men also determine different manifestations of the external symptoms of a given strain in different sexes.

In women, the visual symptoms of HPV type 39 are:

  1. The appearance of formations on the genitals and near the anus;
  2. Purulent discharge from the vagina with a strong unpleasant odor;
  3. Painful bowel movements;
  4. Pain during intercourse.

A man with HPV strain 39 experiences the following inconveniences:

  1. Discharge from the penis with an unpleasant odor or purulent nature;
  2. A red “plaque” appears on the genitals;
  3. Pain during bowel movements;
  4. Weakened potency.

In advanced conditions with papillomavirus type 39, women and men also experience general weakness, nausea and vomiting - these are signs of an inflammatory process.

Important! Many of the symptoms of human papillomavirus are similar to those of other reproductive system infections. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis or self-medication; if any of the above signs appear or you suspect an infection, you should consult a specialist.
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How is HPV type 39 diagnosed?

Papillomavirus strain 39, as already noted, does not have pronounced symptoms, therefore, to make a correct diagnosis, various methods are used to collect data on a person’s health status:

  1. Gynecological examination - will allow you to detect condylomas on the walls of the vagina, colposcopy can be performed - a detailed examination using a colposcope, however, it is visually impossible to specify whether this is a dangerous strain;
  2. Cytology - the so-called “smear” allows you to determine the likelihood of cancer in the early stages of the disease;
  3. Biopsy — sampling of neoplasm cells to determine their nature;
  4. Polymerase chain reaction — determines the characteristics of the DNA of the virus and the degree of infection of the body;
  5. Digene test or Cobas test — modern diagnostic methods;
  6. Hybrid grip — the methodology will allow not only to determine the type of virus, but also its sensitivity to antibacterial substances.

Additionally, tests are also prescribed to determine the general condition of the patient. Only after an accurate diagnosis can effective therapy be prescribed.

Treatment options for HPV type 39

The papillomavirus type 39 in women and men cannot be completely eradicated; it penetrates deeply into cells. However, such a diagnosis is by no means a death sentence. Modern medicine has a wide range of treatments that can prevent the appearance of cancer, get rid of the unpleasant external manifestations of the disease, and prevent relapses. The scheme for combating the 39th strain of HPV includes the use of antiviral drugs to suppress the activity of the pathogen, the destruction of tumors on the skin, and improving the general health of the patient - high immunity will avoid relapses of condylomas.

Drug therapy for papillomavirus 39 strain

In the photo Amiksin for the treatment of HPV type 39

The basis of drug treatment for human papillomavirus type 39 is antiviral drugs, but drugs are also prescribed to stop inflammatory processes in the body and improve the functioning of the immune system.

To date, there is no single remedy exclusively against HPV 39, therefore a complex of drugs is prescribed. In this case, the dosage and type of tablets are selected exclusively by the attending physician.

The following medications are often prescribed for papillomavirus type 39:

  1. Isoprinosine or its analogues Gropivirin, Normomed. They block the ability of viral microorganisms to reproduce, thus preventing further infection. The drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets or injections, the cost can vary from 300 rubles to 1,500 rubles in Russia, and for Ukraine - 120-600 hryvnia, depending on the volume and country of manufacturer.
  2. Cycloferon, Amiksin, Lavomax or other immunostimulants. The drugs can cause the body to produce its own interferons. The cost of the medicine is 200-800 rubles or 100-300 hryvnia.

Additionally, synthetic interferons can be prescribed, as well as topical ointments - Fluorouracil, Podophyllin or others.

Note! Not all medications are effective in the fight against human papillomavirus type 39; only the attending physician can select effective medications. Self-medication is unacceptable.
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Removal of type 39 condylomas

If papillomavirus type 39 is detected in women at later stages, as a rule, there are already tumors in the vagina, on the labia or near the anus. External signs not only violate aesthetics, but also cause serious discomfort, and in some cases can pose a serious danger of tissue injury.

Neoplasms (condylomas or papillomas) can be removed in various ways:

  1. Electrocoagulation. Cauterization of the formation with electric current is quite painful, but effective. The cost of the procedure can reach 600 Ukrainian hryvnia or 2000 Russian rubles.
  2. Chemical destruction. Removal using special preparations is a less effective method compared to others, but it has a budget cost - 300 hryvnia in Ukraine, up to 1000 rubles in Russia.
  3. Cryodestruction. When removing type 39 papillomas, liquid nitrogen is used to remove condylomas. The price of the procedure is also relatively low - 400 hryvnia or 1000 rubles.
  4. Laser destruction. A virtually painless method of targeted removal of tumors. The cost of the procedure reaches 1500 rubles or 400-600 hryvnia.
  5. Surgical intervention. Resection of papillomas and condylomas during surgery may be recommended by the attending physician. The price of the procedure is calculated individually in each specific case.

The methodology for the destruction of type 39 papillomas in women and men is selected based on the overall clinical picture. Thus, the patient will not be allowed to undergo surgery if there is a history of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, or a number of other ailments.

Pregnancy is also a contraindication to removal of formations.

Note! The patient may be denied the procedure if there are grounds to diagnose the onset of oncology, as well as in cases where the patient drank alcohol before the operation.
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Prevention of recurrence of HPV type 39

Upon completion of the antiviral course and removal of tumors, the patient will have to maintain good immunity. To do this, it is enough to observe a regime of wakefulness and rest, eat right, and include moderate physical activity in your daily routine.

In this case, the immune system begins to work effectively, preventing the occurrence of new type 39 papillomas. The body is further strengthened with the help of complexes of vitamins and minerals.

It is extremely important that both sexual partners undergo the procedure, because the risk of re-infection is high.

As a general prevention of infection with human papillomavirus type 39, women and men are given conversations about the regulation of sexual relations, the use of contraception, and the need for regular examinations by a gynecologist. Such measures should be taken from adolescence before the start of an active sexual life.

What is HPV type 39 - watch the video:

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