
Tetradactyly is a congenital defect characterized by the presence of only four fingers on the hand or foot instead of the usual five.

This is a rare genetic disease that can be inherited. With four fingers, one of the fingers is missing - most often it is the fifth (little finger) or the first (thumb) finger.

There are several varieties of four-fingered:

  1. Preaxial quadriplegia - the first digit (big toe or big toe) is missing.

  2. Postaxial quadriplegia - the fifth finger (little finger) is missing.

  3. Central quadruped - the central finger (index, middle or ring finger) is missing.

Generally, quadriplegia is not a serious medical problem and does not require treatment. However, in some cases, hand or foot deformities can make gripping or walking difficult. Surgery may then be required to restore normal anatomy and functionality of the limb.

Tetradactyly or Tetradactyly is a congenital developmental defect that is characterized by the presence of only four fingers on the hand or foot. This defect can be caused by various factors, including genetic mutations or exposure of the fetus to harmful factors in the womb.

Four-fingeredness usually appears in the womb, when the fetus develops an arm or leg. If a fetus only has four fingers, it can lead to a variety of developmental problems, such as difficulty walking, problems grasping objects, and learning and socialization difficulties.

Treatment for quadriplegia can be complex and depends on the cause of the defect. In some cases, surgery may be required to correct the defect. Special aids and devices may also be used to help children with four fingers develop their hand or foot skills and functions.

However, despite all the difficulties, many people with four fingers find their lives and achieve success in various fields such as sports, art, science and technology. They can use their unique skills and talents to achieve success and become leaders in their fields.

Thus, four-fingeredness is a complex, but not hopeless defect that can be corrected with the help of various treatment methods and devices. It is important to understand that each person is unique and has their own strengths and capabilities that can help them achieve success in life.

Four-handedness, four-fingeredness is a congenital developmental defect, noted since ancient times, in which only 4 fingers develop on one of the upper or lower extremities, instead of 5 as in normal people. In some cases, one larger finger may develop, corresponding to the fifth; this fact is already called spider-handedness or six-fingeredness. The pathology has been known since ancient times, but not all cases have been described, and currently doctors have an extremely limited understanding of the exact number of cases of PR occurring in the population. The term “four-armed” is a common one. The diagnosis of “five-handedness” is not made in Russia and the CIS countries in order to avoid terminological confusion (“a hand” is a working tool, so it would be incorrect to call a hand a hand or a hand).