Angostura Tree, Or Galipea Officinalis

Angostura Tree, Or Galipea Officinalis: Botanical and Medical Description

Angostura Tree, or Galipea officinalis, is a plant belonging to the Rutaceae family. Its bark has a pharmaceutical name - Angosturae cortex (formerly: Cortex Angosturae). This plant is native to tropical South America and the West Indies and has a long history of medicinal and culinary use.

The tree can reach a height of 10-20 meters and has simple or 2-3-membered compound leaves. Its bark contains active ingredients such as alkaloids and bitters (ango-sturin), glycosides, and essential oil. Angostura Tree is used as a general strengthening aromatic bitter, mainly in galenic preparations. It is also widely used as a seasoning due to its complex and unique taste.

Angostura Tree has many beneficial properties. Its bark is used as a tonic and appetite stimulant, and as a digestive aid. In addition, this plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. In traditional medicine, the angostura tree is used to treat headaches, fever, diarrhea, colic and other diseases.

Angostura Tree is also famous for its use as an ingredient in cocktails and other alcoholic beverages such as bitters and vermouth. Its bitter taste and aroma help create a unique and inimitable taste of the drink.

In conclusion, the Angostura Tree, or Galipea officinalis, is an important plant in medicine and cooking. Its bark contains many beneficial active ingredients that can help treat various diseases and improve digestion. In addition, this plant is a popular ingredient in cocktails and other alcoholic drinks due to its complex and unique taste.