Chicken Blood Protein Precipitating Serum

**_From the author of the blog:_** Greetings to all readers of my blog! Today I would like to tell you about a serum that is often used in medicine and is called Chicken Blood Protein Precipitation Serum. This is a medicine that can be used to diagnose various diseases and also to treat certain conditions. In this article, I will tell you some facts about this drug, its uses, side effects and contraindications. I will also provide information about the manufacturer. So, let's begin our journey into the world of medicine and pharmacology!

1. **_Concept of the drug._**

Precipitation is a chemical process in which precipitate particles fall out of solution when a charged colloidal component is added to it. This process can be used to determine the level of proteins in the blood. Serum is called precipitate if it can be used to determine the presence of antibodies in the test material. In chemistry there are two types of aggregation of molecules: * Coagulation or condensation.