Residual Mental Disorders

People living in a world where technology is developing rapidly, and medicine is creating ever new methods of treatment, often have the feeling that it is no longer possible to cure us once and for all. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. Despite the fact that medicine has already made significant progress in the treatment of many diseases, there are still many mental disorders that, unfortunately, still cannot be completely cured. These disorders, called residual mental disorders, prevent a person from returning to normal life and cause serious problems. People suffering from these disorders feel trapped and suffer from chronic and long-lasting symptoms that can last for years.

What is residual mental disorder?

Residual mental disorder is a chronic

Residual mental disorders can be a serious mental illness, which is characterized by the persistence of some symptoms after complete recovery. They occur during the period of recovery of health, which is why they are called “Residual disorders”.

Residual mental disorder is a set of symptoms that occur after acute psychosis, such as schizophrenia, organic brain damage, traumatic brain injury, stroke, alcoholic psychosis. These symptoms may include: inappropriate behavior, delusions, hallucinations, etc.