Childbirth (Parturition)

Childbirth, also known as parturition, is the process of giving birth to a child in women. This process begins with contractions, which help the uterus contract and expand, allowing the baby to pass through the birth canal and out.

A woman's contractions begin as a result of a series of physiological events that occur in the uterus and other parts of the body before labor begins. This process is based on hormonal regulation, which begins with the release of the hormone progesterone and ends with the release of the hormones oxytocin and prostaglandins during childbirth.

During labor, the uterus begins to contract and expand to help the baby pass through the birth canal. At this time, the woman may feel severe pain and discomfort. Medical professionals such as obstetricians and gynecologists can offer various pain management techniques to help a woman go through the process more comfortably.

If childbirth proceeds without complications, the child is born through the birth canal and becomes a full-fledged member of the family. However, in some cases, complications may occur that may require medical intervention such as a caesarean section.

Overall, childbirth is a natural and normal process in a woman's life. Although they can be difficult and painful, medical professionals and families can help a woman get through the process and have a healthy baby.

Childbirth is a physiological process and lasts from the beginning of rupture of the membranes until the birth of the child. They can start on time or start early. In the first case, it is a pathological pregnancy, in the second, it is premature if the baby is full-term. There is also a distinction between induced and spontaneous labor - spontaneous labor begins when the mother’s body naturally begins to work on expelling the fetus. The term "contractions" was coined by Dr. Hulen, which is why it is recognized as a generic term. Regardless of how labor proceeds, the woman in labor must be prepared in advance for this process - a woman will not be able to prepare if she learns about the onset of labor immediately before the process itself. Accelerated opening and narrowness of the pelvic canal increases the risk of complications, so it is important to seek help in a timely manner - this can reduce the risks associated with both the consequences for the woman and the fetus. During contractions, a woman needs to relax her back and shoulders, then it will be easier for her to breathe. If multiparous women give birth, then, on the contrary, they expand the chest to free up the thoracic lobes; labor presentations are sometimes complicated by various pathologies during childbirth. With foot presentation, there is a high probability of lowering of the buttocks; in case of facial and mixed – extensor injuries of the spine. There are three stages of childbirth. The first begins at the moment of regular contractions, the appearance of which lasts from one minute. Childbirth is called early, premature, urgent or late - depending on how quickly the process begins and ends, as well as on the weight of the fetus and the obstetric situation. The second period is determined by the presence of regular labor and expansion of the pharynx by more than one centimeter in 120 seconds at a given opening. The process of this interval takes from five to ten minutes in the middle of the contraction. The third phase will last only a few minutes. With rhythmic contractions of the uterus, the head or pelvis descends. This stage is called productive, since labor can now