Children's Skorbut

Children's Skorbut: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Children's scurvy, or ascorbic deficiency, is a serious disease associated with a lack of vitamin C in the child's body. This condition is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including severe pain in the limbs, bleeding of the gums and sometimes even the skin, and an increased susceptibility to fractures and fractures in the bones even from minor injuries. This disease usually occurs in children aged 3 to 8 years.

One of the main causes of childhood scurvy is poor nutrition, especially when children are fed pasteurized milk and its surrogates for a long time. Pasteurization and other processing of milk can result in the loss of significant amounts of vitamin C, leading to the development of a deficiency of this important nutrient. In addition, insufficient consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and meat can also contribute to the development of scurvy in children.

Several measures are recommended to prevent and treat childhood scurvy. It is important to provide your child with fresh air and spend more time outside. Regular consumption of milk is also important as it contains a certain amount of vitamin C. In addition, it is recommended to give the child raw meat juice 2-3 times a day, 2-3 teaspoons or dessert spoons (depending on age), and also offer scraped raw meat, fresh raw vegetables, fruits and fruit juices.

Compresses can be used to relieve the symptoms of scurvy locally. For example, compresses made from drilling fluid, which is a mixture of acetic acid alumina, can help reduce pain and inflammation. In addition, compresses from a tannin solution can also have a positive effect on the child’s condition. You can lubricate your gums with lemon juice, which contains some vitamin C.

For internal use, it is recommended to give the child brewer's yeast 2-4 times a day, a teaspoon, and iron iodide contained in fruit juices may also be beneficial. Fruit juices are rich in vitamins, including vitamin C, and can help replenish vitamin deficiencies in the body.

Prevention of childhood scurvy is based on proper and balanced nutrition. Regular consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and foods rich in vitamin C is a key aspect of preventing this disease. Parents should strive to include a variety of foods in their child's diet, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, red peppers, broccoli, and others, which are good sources of vitamin C.

It is important to note that if you suspect the presence of infantile scurvy, you should consult a doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Your doctor may recommend additional measures, including taking a specialized vitamin C supplement, to quickly correct your vitamin C deficiency and relieve symptoms.

In conclusion, infantile scurvy is a serious condition caused by a lack of vitamin C. Eating a healthy and balanced diet including fresh fruits, vegetables and meats, as well as taking additional sources of vitamin C, are key measures to prevent and treat this condition. Parents should be aware of the importance of proper nutrition for their children to prevent the development of infantile scurvy and ensure their health and well-being.