
Kinesi- (the Greek word "kinesis", meaning "movement") is a prefix often used in various scientific terms related to movement and activity. It is usually added to other words to indicate the presence of or relation to movement, either physical or biological.

Kinesi is widely used in areas such as physiology, kinesiology, psychology and rehabilitation. In the context of physiology and kinesiology, kinesi- refers to the study of the movement of the human body, its mechanics and interaction with the environment. It can also be associated with various methods and techniques used to analyze and improve motor skills and functions.

In psychology, the term kinesi can indicate the relationship between movement and a person’s mental state. For example, kinesiological methods can be used to study nonverbal expressions and gestures that can convey information about a person's thoughts, emotions, and personality.

In the field of rehabilitation, kinesi- may refer to methods and techniques used to restore movement function after injury or illness. This may include physical therapy, exercise, massage, and other approaches aimed at restoring motor skills and improving the patient's quality of life.

Thus, the prefix kinesi- plays an important role in various fields of science and medicine related to movement, physiology and human psychology. It helps clarify and point out the relationship between movement and other aspects of our lives, and opens up new possibilities for research, treatment and understanding of the human body.