

Chiropractic is a method of treating various diseases, especially the spine, using manual manipulation. Chiropractic is based on the belief that almost all diseases are the result of improper alignment of bones in the human body, resulting in impaired function of nerves and muscles throughout the body.

Chiropractic was founded in the late 19th century by American physician Daniel Palmer. He believed that the cause of many diseases is subluxation of the vertebrae, which leads to compression of the nerves. For treatment, Palmer proposed using spinal manipulation to restore the normal position of the vertebrae and nerve conduction.

Today, chiropractic is widely used to treat back, neck, and joint pain. A chiropractor diagnoses problem areas in the spine and other joints, then performs manipulations to restore mobility and function. Chiropractic care can be used as an adjunct to other treatments.

Chiropractic treatment is one of the oldest methods of treating the entire body. This is the use of targeted manipulations to normalize the condition of intervertebral discs, joints and ligaments.

Ancient Chinese healers used chiropractic as far back as the second millennium BC. Since then, this technique has gained great popularity and has been used by healers in various countries. Recently, chiropractic therapy has become widespread in the world. It is based on several ideas: - healing occurs due to the fact that the incorrect shape of the body provokes the incorrect functioning of organs and parts of the body: - the original shape is uncorrected:

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine caused by uneven distribution of load on the body and damage to the intervertebral discs. Relieving pain and restoring normal blood circulation is the goal of chiropractic massage. Its main component is considered to be smooth direct pressure on the cervical vertebrae. Chiromassage of the cervical vertebrae.

Effect on the nervous system.

No manual therapy or chiropractic massage should be performed on the spine without the supervision of a specialist. Massage for osteochondrosis should be entrusted only to a qualified chiropractor. He can use special techniques with palpation of the spine, pressing and twisting effects on ligaments, and other methods: in case of exacerbation of the disease, massage of individual segments of the inflamed vertebra, the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs, and shoulder girdle is possible; the remission period involves deep exposure with working out the cervical, scapular, lumbar and thoracic zones; classical impact includes continuous rapid movements without fixation on a separate segment; the area of ​​affected segments is not affected; the result of manual intervention should be felt by the patient after 3 minutes of the procedure: pain, muscle stiffness, and numbness of the limbs should stop. If the body refuses to carry out such

Chiropractic (from ancient Greek χειρ “hand” + πρακτική “practical medicine”) is a direction of alternative medicine, a form of manual therapy. It arose in the 20th century in the USA for the treatment of neurosurgeons under the influence of New Age psychology and homeopathy. The advantage of the method is that