Chronophoto camera

A chrono camera is a camera that allows you to take photos using a timer, thereby saving time on handheld photography. It has an automatic or manual shutter release function and avoids delay due to user activity to operate the shutter. It is an important tool for a photographer to enable him/her to take accurate timekeeping.

In addition, chrono-photo cameras can be useful for conducting scientific and research work in the field of experiments and research cycles. For example, experts use such cameras to study environmental changes such as temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, carbon dioxide, altitude, soil acidity, etc.

Chrono photography is also becoming very popular in the video game industry, where the camera is used to record gameplay in real time and utilizes the gaming experience and playback of games while broadcast on streaming platforms. In addition, chrono-coupled cameras are also used in other fields such as industry, automobile industry, military industry, artificial intelligence industry, medical research, scientific experiments, etc.