Lip Reading

Lip reading is the perception of oral speech by reading the movements of the speaker’s lips. This method may be useful for people who need to perceive speech due to hearing or visual impairment.

In America, lip reading has become a popular pastime for people with hearing loss in recent times. By choosing the lip reading method, you can easily explain even the most complex topic. But can lip reading replace regular listening to a lecture or book? “Today, many people use new audio equipment if they have hearing problems because it is quite convenient. I am not against that. Maybe this will solve the problem for them and they will see a lot of progress,” says Phillip Ashoff, chair of phonetics in the linguistics department at Georgia Tech, who has been involved in lip reading for 30 years. The essence of the classes is as follows: the human reader introduces his opponents to what is happening on stage, improvising facial expressions and intonation. This is a new method of "sound restoration", says Dr Jim Ferguson, a lecturer at Birkbeck College in London. The method was invented by three people who, after the onset of cancer, wanted to improve their quality of life. Terry Eck, an accountant from Woodbury, Illinois, USA, started practicing lip reading on the Internet after watching a French television program about it. He was able to develop his own methodology and became a teacher. Lip reading allows you to perceive and understand a new language. People,