
Mucoraz (Mucora) is a genus of saprophytic fungi, less commonly parasitic fungi from the Mucoraceae family. Consist of amoebas.

Mucoses belong to the first group of mycoses. Taxonomy group 7th order Mucoromycetes of the class Ascomastigomates. There is an opinion that they evolutionarily belong to the bupuks of the families Conidiophora and Mukorvazhny. Mushrooms are widespread in nature.

The name of the genus is given for the very slimy consistency of the hyphae and some arthrospores, which do not form convoluted chains or brushes, and therefore are not similar to the phycomycetes of the genus Mucor. The hyphae are narrow and can branch. The ectoparasitic form of colonies is common, but endotrophic forms are also often isolated. Since mucors form conical stable structures, many species have names that come from their appearance: bleached bodies, dusting mucor, flower bed mold, rusting bread, pink dust, Darlington mucor, etc. Frozen species are used in food production (in including for the production of sorbitol sweetener). Mucurs are useful in the decomposition of plant material (mainly during fruit rot) and water purification.

Other species of the genus participate in the nitrogen cycle. Some species are used as cultivated mushrooms for food production. After causing harm in the form of pollution of the environment with tissues of sticky mold (climacoses), characteristic of species of the genus Aspergillus (Aspergillus), science is thinking about the danger of mucorsas as potential parasitic organisms. Also parasitic is the genus Morganaprinsis (Morganella morganii), which can cause intestinal diseases in humans. There are also several non-pathogenic species of spores (Penicillium), such as Penicillium expansum, which is a common mold in warehouses. When foods containing these spores are eaten in a person or animal, they begin to produce mycelium (fungal colony), causing severe food poisoning.