Sestana-Shane Syndrome

Sestan-Chenne syndrome

Sestán-Chénantois is a rare hereditary disease that develops as a result of progressive brain damage in the case of the birth of two people with two pathological gene variants on the X chromosome. In such patients, about 40 cases of the disease have been registered in the world, described by French doctors J. M. Cestan and L. Chenais (1906). The authors, employees of the Charcot clinic in Paris, were the first to establish the clinical similarity of cases of “familial ataxia” in three Charcot families. ABOUT

Kesan-Shen cervicothoracic numbness syndrome (kesan-kenai).

This is a loss of sensation in the arms, neck and back. Often accompanied by shaking and trembling of the head, swaying and twitching of the limbs. It is observed mainly in the right side of the body. The muscles are in a state of spasm, become inactive, shortened and contracted, and lose elasticity. Cervicothoracic Numbness Syndrome can be caused by a variety of causes, including injury, infection, peripheral nerve disease, circulatory disorders and hormonal disorders. Women are more likely to develop Cervicothoracic Numbness Syndrome. It is more common between the ages of 40 and 70 years. Symptoms may occur gradually or suddenly, and generally appear symmetrically and similarly on opposite sides of the body, but may also occur asymmetrically.