What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks?

Despite the fact that in our progressive times most people use digital thermometers, some still do not deviate from old traditions and, in case of illness, measure their temperature with the usual mercury thermometers. In this case, you need to remember safety precautions when handling this fragile item. So, what to do if you do break a mercury thermometer?

The main problem in this case is that you cannot simply throw a broken glass thermometer in the trash, as it contains a dangerous substance - mercury. You must be extremely careful to safely and correctly "disarm" a broken item.

First, remove children and animals from the house to avoid spreading tiny mercury beads around the room. This carcinogenic substance is truly dangerous for both the environment and humans. Mercury vapor has a particularly negative effect on the body, which can cause quite serious diseases. It is important to note that mercury evaporation begins already at +18 °C, so if your home is at about the same temperature, you should hurry with cleaning. Try to lower your temperature if possible. Open the windows in adjacent rooms, close the radiators, turn off the heater. Remember - do not allow the house to be too warm.

Never touch spilled mercury with your bare hands, and even more so, do not collect it with a rag or vacuum cleaner. Better use rubber gloves. You can use tape to which the mercury balls will quickly stick. If mercury is stuck between the floorboards or rolled under the baseboard, use a syringe. Collect any large pieces of broken glass and wrap them carefully in a paper towel. After this, place the package with glass in a plastic bag and seal it carefully.

If the thermometer breaks on hard surfaces (wood, vinyl, concrete), they should be cleaned with a special solution that neutralizes the effect of mercury vapor. The recipe is simple - dissolve 50 g of soda ash and 40 g of grated laundry soap in a liter of water. Thoroughly rinse the floor in the room with the solution, and also try to pour it into all the cracks where there may be microscopic, unnoticeable pieces of mercury.

If the thermometer breaks, for example, on the carpet, you should cut out the damaged part, or better yet, completely remove the carpet from the room.

After all the procedures performed, be sure to call the regional sanitary-epidemiological station. Specialists who come to your home will be able to determine the concentration of mercury vapor in the air and finally neutralize it.

Breaking a mercury thermometer can be a serious incident, but with proper safety precautions, the risks can be minimized. It is important to remember that mercury is a hazardous substance and must be handled accordingly. Follow these steps to safely clean up a broken mercury thermometer and prevent potential problems for your health and the environment.