Sensitive Loop

Sensitive loop (sensitive lemniscus, abbreviated CL) (eng. lemniscus posterior medialis) is part of the medial complex of the lateral lemniscus (AL) and superior olive (OH), involved in the formation of sensitive afferentation for deep tissues and many muscles. It is important for conscious activity, thinking, speech. Part of the sensory posterior (lateral) lemniscope in humans, it includes the medial part of the posterotemporal nucleus (MLS, auditory nucleus of Spitzmer or medullary fasciculus). It is part of the reticular lemniscus (RL) together with the lateral genu (LC) of the anterior (medial) geniculate body (MCC) and, including this area, the tract in the cingulate gyrus (IC) in the vertebral-occipital complex, forming the posterior tract of the superior olive. LSM cross-connects different areas of the cerebral cortex and corpus callosum. The perception of excitation is the transmission of action potentials down to the iter. The cranial lemnisci are connected to the trigominos behind the dentate nuclei of the cerebellar vermis. The ventral lemniscos connects directly with the cerebellar vermis to connect via the thalamus to the quadrigeminal region. The main rostral part of the lemniscus is attached to the second and third segments