Sensitivity Reduced (Hyposensitiwtion)

Reduced sensitivity (Hypo-sensitiwtion, from Greek hypo - under; Lat. sensus - feeling; sensus - sensitivity) - temporary or permanent weakening of sensitivity to the effects of irritants; it is based on a violation of the processes of transfer of excitation from the periphery to the central nervous system.

Desensitization (from the Latin desensibilize - making insensitive) is a treatment method based on the use of various medications that reduce the body's sensitivity to the action of a particular allergen.

Normally, the body has a certain immunity - a natural reaction to any attack by an irritant. It does not always work, but only when foreign agents cause the disease. Most often this happens with pathogenic microorganisms, toxons. There are diseases in which protective reactions are impaired, immunity is reduced or not developed at all. Reduced sensitivity (hyposensitivity) is expressed in the low efficiency of the human immune system. This condition negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems.

Reduced sensitivity: classification The type of deviation is classified