
Circumcision: procedure, pros and cons

Circumcision, also known as circumcision, is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin of the penis. Currently, there are several types of circumcision, including complete and incomplete, depending on the extent of removal of the foreskin. In this article we will look at what it is, why it is done, and the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.

The history and origin of circumcision goes back to ancient times. In different cultures and religions, circumcision was performed for different reasons, including religious and cultural practices. Currently, many parents turn to doctors with a request to perform circumcision on their children for various medical and social reasons.

One of the main medical indications for circumcision in children is phimosis, a condition in which the foreskin is narrowed, making it difficult to expose the head of the penis. Phimosis can lead to inflammation and other problems, so circumcision may be recommended to solve this problem. In adult men, surgery can be performed for phimosis and premature ejaculation.

Performing circumcision can have both pros and cons. Let's look at some of them.

Pros of circumcision:

  1. Reduced risk of urinary tract infections: Circumcision in children can reduce the risk of developing urinary tract infections such as pyelonephritis and cystitis by tenfold.

  2. Reducing the risk of transmitting infections: Circumcision may reduce the risk of transmitting certain sexually transmitted infections, such as genital herpes, syphilis and HIV infection.

  3. Reduced risk of penile cancer: Circumcision performed in early childhood can significantly reduce the risk of developing penile cancer in the future.

  4. Reduced risk of cervical cancer: Women whose partners are circumcised may have a reduced risk of developing HPV-related cervical cancer.

  5. Improved hygiene: Circumcision can improve penile hygiene by reducing the formation of smegma, a substance that accumulates between the head of the penis and the foreskin.

Disadvantages of circumcision:

  1. Rare Complications: Although complications from circumcision are rare, they can still occur due to errors in the procedure. This may include inflammatory responses, bleeding, infection, damage to the urethra or glans penis.

  2. Loss of sensation: Some studies suggest that circumcision may cause a loss of some sensation in the penis. For some men, this may cause discomfort or decreased sexual sensitivity.

  3. Ethical and Cultural Considerations: Circumcision is a controversial topic with ethical and cultural implications. Some people believe that this is a violation of the right to one's own body and choice, especially when it comes to children who cannot consent.

  4. Pain and recovery period: Circumcision can be a painful process, especially in the first days after surgery. It takes some time for the wound to heal and recover.

It is important to note that the decision to undergo circumcision must take into account medical, religious, cultural and social factors. Each person and their parents should discuss the benefits and risks with their doctor to make an informed choice.

In conclusion, circumcision has its benefits, such as reducing the risk of infections and cancer, as well as improving hygiene. However, it is also associated with a risk of complications and loss of sensation. Before deciding to undergo circumcision, it is important to have detailed consultations with a medical professional and consider all relevant factors.