
A cystolithotrichtor is a device for removing stones from the bladder. It is a combination of a cystoscope and a lithotripter and is intended for use in medical settings. A cystoscope is an optical instrument used to view the walls of the bladder, and a lithotripter is an electrical device used to break up stones. The combination of these two devices allows the doctor to effectively remove stones from the bladder without the need for open surgery. While removing stones from the urinary tract requires medical intervention, there is no need to use lithotripters to remove salt infections such as cystitis, pyelonephritis or urethritis. These forms of infections usually benefit from antibiotics and dietary changes to reduce the likelihood of developing new infections. Lithotripters can be used to quickly stop active urine flow, thereby reducing the risk of developing urinary tract infections. Although stone removal using lithotripotors has become more common, some experts believe that the operation can be dangerous for some people. For example, damage to the ureter or the need for further examination can lead to serious consequences such as kidney failure. In this regard, before using this treatment method, you should consult a doctor and get advice.