Elshniga Needle

Elschnig's igloo (Alyssum alpigenum Nearn.), also known as Alpine clove, can be found on almost every mountainside in the Alps. This perennial plant reaches a height of up to 35 cm and has many white flowers. It blooms in early spring and releases its scent and pollen. Elschnig's needles are not only beautiful, but also edible. They add a pleasant flavor to their pickled and salted varieties, which are important additions to salads or meals. Below is a more detailed description of Elschnig's Needle to get you interested in using this plant:

General information about Elsniga needle In the 18th century, Elsniga needle was included in the list of endangered plants due to its declining numbers, today it can already be classified as a rare plant. Elschnigs can reproduce by seeds, but most of the species qualities of this plant are lost. In the wild and in the horticultural world, this has caused the plant's numbers to decline so much that some populations see no future persistence. There are two types of Elsnig today - Elshnga altigena and Elshnga alyansiana. The Elshgia Altienai species has the longest distribution range, more than ten hundred kilometers. Alpine carnation grows only in some known places, although in its west it is a very common plant