Osteotomy Corrective Open

Corrective osteotomies are one of the most common surgical interventions for skeletal deformities and complex deformities of the musculoskeletal system. The corrective method consists of forcibly restoring the deformed anatomical position of the limb, in contrast to conservative treatment, which only involves reducing the pressure of the soft tissues. These types of operations continue to be difficult for osteotomy in the classical sense of the word, which consists in the successful connection of bone fragments. Corrective surgery is a treatment method that can dramatically eliminate skeletal deformities.

During surgical treatment, complete restoration of bone tissue is carried out in a certain area of ​​tissue, bone deformation is eliminated, the shape is changed and the function of the supporting apparatus is restored. All of these operations can be combined with each other, representing a complex osteoplastic correction.

Indications for corrective osteotomy include consequences of injuries, chronic degenerative diseases of the osteoarticular system with manifestations of contracture of a particular joint or deformation of individual segments of the spine. In persons