Clavicular Tenderloin

The clavicular notch is an important anatomical formation that is located on the anterior surface of the chest. It is a depression formed by the junction of the collarbone and sternum. The clavicular notch is crescent-shaped and is the site of attachment for muscles that are involved in the movement of the shoulder and scapula.

The clavicular notch plays an important role in maintaining stability of the shoulder joint and allowing movement of the shoulder joint. In addition, the clavicular notch can be injured by falls or blows to the chest area, which can lead to damage to surrounding tissues and organs.

To treat a clavicular notch injury, it is necessary to diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. Depending on the extent of the damage, conservative treatments such as immobilization and physical therapy or surgery may be used.

Overall, the clavicular notch is an important anatomical element that plays an important role in the functioning of the shoulder joint. Knowledge of its anatomical structure and possible injuries helps to correctly diagnose and treat injuries to this area.