Clubhanded Post-traumatic

Clubhand is a deformity or curvature of any part of the body or organ after a bruise, blow, or as a result of surgery. Traumatic clubhand is a deformation of joints or limbs.

With traumatic clubhand, the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus and musculoskeletal muscles occurs. Patients with such an injury often complain of aching pain in the joints, which can intensify with any movement. There is often a limited amount of physical activity. On palpation, the affected joint is painful; in the supine position, the limbs are in a more comfortable, “unbent” state. A clubbed hand is often shortened, and in some patients it has a two-phalangeal shape (the hand is in an abnormal position, as if clenched into a fist). Children may develop the habit of sharply straightening completely bent