Lasega Symptom

Lasegue Symptom is one of the neurological symptoms that indicates pathologies of the spinal cord and its roots. This syndrome was first described in the mid-19th century by the French surgeon Joseph Lasegue, which is why it is called by his last name.

Normally, when a person lies on his back, he first bends his knees and then lowers them onto the bed, supporting his body weight on his hands and heels. If you cannot lower your feet completely, this indicates a violation of the integrity of the spine and a change in the reflex function of the spinal cord.

Lasegue Symptom occurs against the background of the following spinal diseases:

osteochondrosis; radiculitis; hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs; spondylosis; arthritis and arthrosis; myositis; piriformis syndrome.

The symptom also occurs with traumatic lesions of the spine, tumors and infectious diseases. Most often, a violation of the lategas symptom is observed with inflammation of the spinal cord, which can be caused by infections, intoxications or injuries.